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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jessy's Delicious Fudge Brownies Recipe.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

- 5oz. DARK Chocolate
- 1 stick unsalted butter
- 1/4 cup cocoa powder
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- Pinch of salt
- 2 large eggs
- 1/2 cup flour

1) Grease or butter the bottom and sides of a 9in. square baking pan

2) Melt the dark chocolate and butter together in a heat proof bowl on top of boiling water. Stir until just smooth

3) Remove from heat and whisk in the cocoa powder, sugar, and salt. Whisk in the eggs and then then flour until incorporated.

4) Pour batter evenly in prepared baking pan

5) Cook for 25-35 minutes (depending on your oven.) Brownies are done when knife inserted into center comes out clean.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Birth of Evelyn Rose

Evelyn Rose Kissinger was born on December 1st, 2010 at 1:45pm. She was 10lbs. and 2oz. and 21 inches long. I was 22 years old.

After having a pregnancy filled with heartbreak, happiness, more scarryness, overjoyment, pain, and irritation, I finally went into labor 7 days after my due date. Once again, I woke up at about 4am having to pee. I felt a SLIGHT cramping. I woke Brandon up and told him that I believe that my early labor had started. I told him that I was fine and that we should just wait, considering they wern't strong at all. His worry was that we wouldn't get to our birth center Sage Femme in San Francisco in time. We had moved to San Jose (an hour away) while I was pregnant to be closer to Brandon's job. So anyways, I told Brandon to go to work and that I would call him if and when the contractions got stronger. Well, two hours later, I called him and told him that I was for sure in labor. He came home and started running around the whole apartment getting thigs ready like a loonatic. LOL. It was so funny and cute to see him like that. I was still talking through my contractions, but I called my midwife Judi to let her know that my labor had started. She also talked Brandon into calming down. I also called our doula Shannon and as she was on her way over to our apartment, I decided to take a relaxing shower. My contractions were slower getting stronger and with every one, Brandon got more and more nervous. Shannon got to our place at a little before 12 noon and she brought donuts! So nice. My contractions immediately picked up and she started rubbing my feet and back. I wasn't able to really talk through my contractions anymore and they were coming really fast. Shannon called Judi and told her that we were on our way... an hours drive to the city.

The car ride was TERRIBLE! My husband's car is a Ford Mustang so it leaves little room to move. I put a pillow under my thigh to help lift my bum off the seat so the contractions wouldn't hurt so much. Shannon kept reminding me to "breath the contraction out...low breathing...low moans..." and it really helped. She also kept our 4 year old son Brandon calm in the back seat with her.

We arrived at the birth center at around 1pm. I got out of the car, and the pain went half away when I stood up. It felt so good to be out of that car. When Judi checked to see how dialated I was, she said I was 8cm! I had progressed about 4cm in ONE hour! We all immediately made our way to the birthing suite and I got into the birthing tub. The pain went half away again. It was sooooo relaxing to be in warm water all to myself. Brandon and our son Brandon Jr. we're giving me water, and rubbing my hair; it felt great. I was completely dialated shortly after. Just as i started to push, our friend Anna came into the birthing room. She had made it! And about 5 minutes before Evelyn was born, my mother-in-law walked into the room. I was sooo happy she made it! Okay, it was time to really give it a hard push because Judi said her heart rate was dropping a bit. I had no idea she was crowing but I just listened to Judi's voice and did was she told me to do. She told me to look down and Evelyn's shoulders we're already out! I had no clue! LoL. Brandon cought her and I pulled her out of the water on to my chest. It took her about 5-10 seconds to start crying but when she did, the whole room filled with joy! My placenta was delivered 10 minutes later with Evelyn still attached by the cord. Brandon and Brandon Jr cut the cord together. I had no tears at all.

We left 5-6 hours after she was born. I was able to walk out very easily for just having a baby. I felt GREAT actually! It was so nice to be home in my own bed where I could relax in comfort.

The Birth of Brandon Jr.

Brandon Anthony Kissinger was born on October 11, 2006 at 5:10pm. He was 9 lbs. 7oz. and was 19.5 inches long. I was 18 years old.

I was 8 days over due and I was beginning to think that this little man was NOT going to come out. I woke up on October 11th, 2006 at about 5am having to use the bathroom. I noticed a LITTLE bit of pink bloody discharge and I had thought my water broke(LoL). I called St. Luke's Hospital's L&D and they told me to come in. I wasnt feeling any contractions yet, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to eat when I got there, so I decided to stay at home and eat a little breakfast before I went. Banana pancakes were on the menu and maaann did they taste good! As I was eating, I started to feel some cramping. I told Brandon(my husband) "I think we're going to have a baby today".

So after breakfast, we drove to the hospital and while we were waiting. my contractions were getting stronger. The midwives told me to go home because they didn't think I was far enought dialated (3cm) to be admitted to the hospital. But they didnt even check me! So I asked. They realized that I in fact was 3cm and that I would soon be in active labor. Never the less, they told me to go home anyways. That was at about 12 noon.

At home, I got into the bath tub, and my contractions were getting stronger really really fast! Brandon came in the bathroom with a video camera and inbetween a contractions I told him to make sure NOT to get my boobs on camera(haha)! He said he didn't but of course he actually did! He helped me out of the bath tub, I got dressed and we got back into the car again. The car ride SUCKED! Everytime I would have a contraction, It would hurt so bad to sit on my bottom, so I grabbed that "oh shit" handle and pulled myself up so I wouldn't be sitting while I was having a contraction. They felt like period cramps but I also felt pinching inside me as well. That was at about 2pm.

We got to the hospital and they checked to see how dialated I was. I was 6cm! In two hours I had progressed 3cm! I was for sure going to have this baby. In the labor and delivery room, I was so happy to see my favorite 2 midwives that I had seen through-out my pregnancy. During the transition phase(7cm-10cm) I had Brandon running his fingers through my hair, and his mother video taping. Brandon was the best! I couldn't have done it without him. At onw point, he got up and walked away for a quick moment, and my contraction seemed to have hurt more when he wasnt there. I made a vow not to have any pain medication and to have my son naturally. I asked for "The 'E' Word" (Epidural) and the midwives told me I was ALMOST 10cm. "No wonder you want an Epidural!" they said. So I just decided that I could do this without one. And I did. After an hour of pushing, and one TINY tear, Brandon Anthony Kissinger was born. He was immediately put on my chest and began to cry. Brandon said "Oh my God! He's huge! He's like a Sumo baby!". He was able to cut the umbilical cord and he was pretty nervous.

During this whole process, my mother apparently had to have security called and on the Nurse's board, next to my name it said "security". FOR HER! I was so embarassed. I had LOTS of visiors and I appreciated all the gifts I got. It was such an amazing experience and I will never forget it.